
How Much Extra Revenue Could You Capture?

by Smart Merchandiser on May 21, 2015

Smart Merchandiser ROI Calculator


Did you know that retailers across the globe lost $69 billion due to out-of-stock conditions in 2013?


Or that digital merchandisers spend more time on inventory management than on any other task?

With retailers losing 8.3% of revenue as a result of out-of-stock conditions, it’s time for digital merchandisers to arm themselves with a tool that lets them quickly and simply optimize their websites to take advantage of social sentiment and real-time data to increase conversion rates.

Luckily, there’s already a tool for this! In fact, digital merchandisers at top retail brands are increasing their productivity levels by up to 70% with our IBM Websphere Commerce add-on — Smart Merchandiser. By simplifying inventory management, the Smart Merchandiser tool creates an uptick in productivity resulting in increased revenue.

Smart Merchandiser provides a visual layer over your eCommerce catalog to offer inventory, analytics, attribute, and color management capabilities.

To find out how much extra revenue you could be capturing, be sure to check out the Smart Merchandiser calculator.

Topics: visual merchandising online, IBM Websphere Commerce add-on