
Holiday Hint #1

by Smart Merchandiser on September 22, 2015

Finding just the right present to give to that special someone is often the toughest part of the holiday season. The only thing that is worse is finding the perfect gift, only to discover that it is out of stock. You now have your heart set on that gift and won’t be happy until you get it! This scenario is played out in the classic Arnold Schwarzenegger Christmas movie, Jingle All the Way. In the movie, Schwarzenegger has his heart on finding his son a Turbo Man action figure, the most popular toy in town, which is sold out everywhere. He goes on a mission to find the toy and stops at nothing. Do not make your customers go through the same mission to get your products this holiday season!

From Black Friday and Cyber Monday to last minute shopping on the eve of the big day - products run out fast. During the holidays, constant inventory monitoring and merchandising to account for fluctuations is crucial. Smart Merchandiser is the fastest way to keep up with the high traffic and turnover during the holiday season!

With Smart Merchandiser’s inventory management and the visual merchandising interface, you are notified when an item is low in or out of stock and you can easily drag and drop these items to the bottom of the page and drag another top seller up to the top. This is just one way Smart Merchandiser will increase your conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

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