
What Drives Online Sales? [Infographic]

by Smart Merchandiser on July 29, 2015


Many factors work together to drive eCommerce sales and
this infographic lays out many of those factors. It’s easy to focus on a single aspect of the whole effort and get tunnel vision, but having an overview of your eCommerce storefront can expose you to new solutions to solve old conversion problems.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the information you’ll find in the infographic, as well as a look into how each aspect contributes to boosting your revenue.

Color Management

A whopping 85% of shoppers say color is the deciding factor when buying a product. In fact, 93% of consumers place color and appearance above other factors when making a buying decision. Making sure your color palette is fresh, seasonal, and on message is crucial to making sales. The right colors can have a profound psychological effect on customers, so don’t leave it to chance.

Smart Merchandiser’s visual catalog management tools make keeping your color profile up to date a breeze. Drag-and-drop functionality lets you move items right to the top of the page so the customer sees them first. Sequencing color swatches into your preferred order and setting default colors by category can help you remain consistent throughout your site. By optimizing your web layout you can increase your conversion rate by up to 20% - a quick and easy way to increase revenue and improve your bottom line.

Searchability & Sales

Searches drive 30.5% of sales on eCommerce sites according to findings from, a substantial number that shouldn’t be overlooked. Ensuring that your products are consistently ranked high in search results can be a make or break issue for small to medium sized online retailers. As eCommerce grows in general, it can be difficult to find good long tail keywords to get you into the top results, but it’s worth the effort.

The attribute management system built in to Smart Merchandiser allows you to easily add, remove, and manage keywords with a single click so you can make adjustments as needed to keep your results high in the rankings. Having the right attributes assigned to an item will ensure not only web but also site searchability for your products within your own store.

The Social Factor

Social networks rule the web these days, shaping customers tastes and decisions. Just two years ago, 91% of eCommerce retailers saw a lift in their SEO rank thanks to social referrals. Making sure your store is seamlessly connected with Facebook, Twitter and more is essential to staying engaged with your customers.  74% of consumers rely on social networks to make their shopping decisions - having a presence on those networks is key.

Having a store with built in social network integration helps customers feel connected, share their purchases, and show their support for your brand. Smart Merchandiser’s item view compiles Facebook likes, Twitter mentions, and reviews from popular sites and builds them directly into the product imaging. Internet retail sales are expected to hit $414 billion by 2018, so don’t leave money on the table by missing the boat on these techniques to improve your store.

Improving the customer experience (and in turn conversion rates) is at the top of all eCommerce merchandiser’s to-do lists which is why we’ve created The Digital Merchandiser’s Guide to Maximizing Margins with Visualized Data eBook. Download it today!





Topics: visual merchandising online